Category Archives: Wrongful Death

What is a Survival Action in Pennsylvania?
When someone loses their life because of the negligent and reckless acts of another party, this is considered a wrongful death. For example, if a drunk driver hits your loved one’s car and kills them, this would be a wrongful death. When a wrongful death happens, depending on the circumstances, it can be tried… Read More »

Can Slip and Fall Accidents Be Deadly?
Slip and fall accidents can produce minor injuries, but they can also cause serious, debilitating injuries as well. Under the worst circumstances, slip and fall accidents may be deadly. Older individuals who are more prone to falls are a particularly vulnerable population to devastating outcomes from fall accidents, including death. Though, anyone can lose… Read More »

Drunk Drivers Are Causing The Most Fatal Car Accidents In New Jersey
If you would ask any driver if drunk driving is safe, it is likely they would not hesitate to immediately respond with an astounding “No!” Well, of course, drunk driving is not safe, and most drivers understand this. Yet, drunk driving is still something that is a serious problem in the United States. The… Read More »

Process Of Filing A Wrongful Death Suit In Pennsylvania
Negligent and careless acts that lead to the death of another party are considered wrongful death. As a civil action, only certain individuals are able to file wrongful death suits in Pennsylvania. Because wrongful death claims are civil actions, the purpose is to secure financial compensation for losses suffered. There are rules for filing… Read More »

How Deadly Are Head-On Collisions?
Any car accident can have deadly implications, but some crashes are far more dangerous than others. Head-on collisions may be some of the most shocking and frightening to be involved with. You are in your car driving straight, and then you see another vehicle barreling directly toward you, and you do not have the… Read More »

Who Can File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Pennsylvania Or New Jersey?
Wrongful death lawsuits are never easy for the families of the deceased, and these types of lawsuits can be confusing and complicated. With a personal injury lawsuit, the person who is eligible to file a lawsuit is usually clear: the party who was injured as a result of the defendant’s negligence, intentional wrongdoing, or… Read More »

Does Comparative Negligence Impact Wrongful Death Lawsuits?
In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, a finding of comparative negligence can reduce a plaintiff’s damages award in a personal injury case, and in some circumstances can bar the plaintiff from recovery altogether. Can comparative negligence also impact wrongful death lawsuits in New Jersey and Pennsylvania? In short, the answer is yes. Our New Jersey… Read More »

What Types Of Injuries Can Lead To Wrongful Death Lawsuits?
Wrongful death law can be difficult to understand since it is closely related to, but distinct from, personal injury law. The most obvious difference between a personal injury lawsuit and a wrongful death lawsuit is that the injured person files a personal injury claim, while another party must stand in the shoes of the… Read More »

What Is A Survival Action In Pennsylvania And New Jersey?
When you have lost a loved one in an accident or as a result of someone else’s intentional wrongdoing, we know that a lawsuit is likely not the first thing on your mind. However, it is important to know that the party who caused your loved one’s death could be responsible for significant damages… Read More »

How Damages Work In A Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Losing a loved one in an accident or because of another party’s intentionally harmful act is devastating. Nobody should have to go through the painful experience of losing someone they love because of someone else’s careless or reckless behavior. Yet deadly accidents can happen in many different ways, from motor vehicle accidents caused by… Read More »