How Deadly Are Motorcycle Accidents?

Riding a motorcycle is known to be a dangerous activity, and for good reason. Motorcyclists are at high risk of suffering catastrophic injuries and even death when they are in a crash, mainly because they have very little surrounding them and protecting them. This is why it is important to practice and be comfortable with operating a motorcycle before heading out on the road. Still, even the most veteran motorcyclist can do everything right but suffer serious injuries or lose their life in a crash.
Suppose you were in a motorcycle crash in New Jersey or Pennsylvania. In that case, you need to have the most seasoned and experienced legal representation when you are going up against an insurance company. Insurance companies will do whatever they can to try and deny you the compensation you have a right to even, alleging that you knew the risks of riding a motorcycle but did so anyway, which is why you don’t qualify for compensation. This is simply not the case.
Motorcycle drivers have rights and can obtain compensation when a negligent party causes their accident and losses. For assistance with a claim, you may contact a South Jersey motorcycle accident attorney at Monaco Law PC.
The Deadly Facts About Motorcycle Accidents
The trend in America is that as motorcycle registration and ownership go up, so do the fatal motorcycle accidents. Yet, there doesn’t seem to be any slowing down for new motorcycle drivers. There are many people who simply enjoy the thrill and leisure of riding a motorcycle. Depending on how a motorcycle accident happened, a driver or rider on a motorcycle may not be barred from compensation when a crash occurs on the basis that riding a motorcycle comes with inherent dangers.
In 2021, for example, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that there were just under 6,000 motorcyclists killed in crashes. This number represented 14% of all traffic fatalities that year.
When compared to drivers and passengers in cars, accidents for motorcyclists are much more deadly. In fact, going back to 2021 as an example, the fatality rate for motorcyclists was close to 24 times that of the passenger car occupant fatality rate. That is significant and alarming.
Motorcyclists should always do what they can to keep themself safe when they head out for a ride, including wearing a helmet even when it is not required. In New Jersey, it is unlawful for motorcyclists to ride without a helmet. New Jersey mandates motorcycle helmet use. As for Pennsylvania, motorcyclists must have protective headgear if they are under the age of 21. The statistics show that motorcycle helmets save lives, with motorcyclists who do not wear helmets dying at a higher rate than those who do when a crash happens.
Speak to a New Jersey and Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorney Today
Our South Jersey motorcycle accident lawyer at Monaco Law PC can meet with you during a free consultation to go over your case if you were hurt in a motorcycle accident. To schedule yours, please call (609) 277-3166 for our New Jersey office and (215) 546-3166 for our office in Pennsylvania.
We are a New Jersey and Pennsylvania personal injury law firm serving Atlantic County, Bucks County, Burlington County, Cape May County, Camden County, Chester County, Cumberland County, Delaware County, Gloucester County, Mercer County, Middlesex County, Montgomery County, Philadelphia, Ocean County, and Salem County.