Why You Should Stop Using All Of Your Social Media When You File A Personal Injury Claim

A quick check-in on Facebook, a cute picture on Snapchat, or a brief comment on Twitter, there seems to be an almost unlimited number of different social media platforms that one can use and connect with others on. Social media can be a regular part of daily life, whether for social reasons or one’s job. Either way, avoiding social media is not always the easiest thing to do, but if you are in the process of filing a personal injury claim, then trying your hardest to avoid all social media is in your best interests.
When you file a personal injury claim for damages in New Jersey, you want to ensure you do not do anything that can harm your ability to recover all of the financial compensation you deserve for the losses you had to endure. But there are things, like using social media, which can be detrimental to those efforts. This is why when you speak with an attorney about what you can do to obtain compensation after an injury accident, your attorney is likely to tell you that until your case is closed, using social media is not a good idea.
After an injury accident in New Jersey, the South Jersey personal injury attorney at Monaco Law PC can meet with you during a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your case and review the strategies available to obtain financial compensation for losses.
Why Social Media is Harmful During the Personal Injury Claims Process
Pictures and written words provide solid evidence that an insurance company can use against you during the claims process. For example, if you were in a car accident and in your claim you are demanding compensation for serious physical bodily harm you suffered, which kept you from work, but you post pictures jumping into a pool at a party, then this gives the insurance adjuster excellent ammunition against you to show that your injuries are not as bad as you allege they are. Having the ability to do an activity one time or occasionally does not prove that you can withstand the rigors of working every day, but this could be something a jury would not fully understand when presented with social media posts.
Social media can provide a treasure trove of detrimental information and evidence against a claimant. This is why insurance adjusters will immediately begin to scan a claimant’s social media as soon as a claim is filed. If they find information that benefits their side, then negotiating for the full amount of compensation you need may be challenging. The adjuster will be less likely to agree on a settlement amount close to what is fair and insist on only providing much less compensation than you need and deserve. They may even deny your claim and not pay you anything at all.
If you can’t agree on a settlement, then your claim may turn into a lawsuit and go to court. Again, the information you post on social media can be used during litigation and persuade a judge and jury to award you a low, unfair amount for your injuries.
Speak to a South Jersey Personal Injury Attorney Today
For more tips on how to file a robust personal injury claim in New Jersey, please call the South Jersey personal injury lawyer at Monaco Law PC at (609) 277-3166 for our New Jersey office and (215) 546-3166 for our office in Pennsylvania.
We are a New Jersey and Pennsylvania personal injury law firm serving Atlantic County, Burlington County, Cape May County, Camden County, Cumberland County, Gloucester County, Mercer County, Middlesex County, Ocean County, Salem County, and all of South Jersey.